WIN is an online search directory featuring a host of local services, support groups, advice, agencies and activities that take place in the city.
For more information visit
Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH)
01902 555392
Disabled Children & Young People
01902 550901
Children and Young People in Care Team
01902 553001
Connexions PA
01902 773040
Corporate Parenting
01902 556951
Fostering Team
01902 553070
Adoption @ Heart
01902 553130
Independent Reviewing Officers (IRO’S)
01902 550477
The REACH Leaving Care Team
01902 551155 and ask to speak to a Duty Worker
The Royal Wolverhampton Trust
01902 444349
Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG)
01902 444349
Health Team
01902 444351
Children and Young People in Care Participation Officers
01902 553002 / 01902 553005
01902 551901 / 01902 553215
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